February 6, 2014

The Junta de Buen Gobierno, Heart of the Rainbow of Hope in Caracol IV, Denounces the Aggression Suffered by the Support Bases from the 10 de Abril Ejido in the 17 de Noviembre Autonomous Municipality in Rebellion, Chiapas, Mexico


Friday, January 31st, 2014

We the junta de buen gobierno, heart of the rainbow of hope in caracol IV, whirlwind of our words; denounce the aggression suffered by our support base compañeros and compañeras from 10 de abril ejido in the 17 de noviembre autonomous municipality in rebellion, Chiapas, Mexico. Provoked by people from the CIOAC democrática  and lead by Miguel Vázquez Hernández and Jaime Luna González.

In the year 2007, was when for the first time they provoked us to take from us our land recovered in the year 1994, presenting us a simple sketch and with that, they wanted to become the owner.

On October 18th, 2013, they again tried to provoke us and take from us our recovered land paid for by the blood of our fallen compañeros, from this date they again realize their famous demarcation to plunder us and we saw that it is completely out line how they arrived to make a street in the year 2007, endorsing themselves with it and a simple sketch.

The most recent provocation suffered by our support base compañeros from the 10 de abril ejido in the 17 de Noviembre autonomous municipality in rebellion, is this past Monday, January 27th, 2014, around 7:30 in the morning 250 people from the organization CIOAC democrática, from the 20 de Noviembre ejido, official municipality of las Margaritas, Chiapas, went in to provoke us.

Arriving at our recovered land, as number one they began to cut our sign which is in the entrance of the 10 de abril ejido, they destroyed only one and left the other burnt.

As a second plan they went in to cut down trees which we have as an ecological reserve and that does not matter to them at all and they began to work with 5 chainsaws chopping down 9 pine trees, 40 oak trees, 35 coffee trees, three banana trees squashing with the trees that they were cutting down and a cluster of bananas eaten by them.

From the downed trees they went removing straightedges, boards, logs, they did not take them for household use, they stole them to sell them, doing business and taking with them a total of 41 pickup trucks.

When they returned to their houses, they left screaming saying the names of 2 compañeros that they were coming back and there what is going to happen will see.

We assessed the cost of what they stole from us it gives a quantity of 40,530 pesos and more from our medicinal costs for our wounded compañeros.

On the date January 30th, 2014, around 6:40 in the morning they again attacked us following through with their threats what they warned about on January 27th, 2014, they came with 18 pickup trucks stakes Nissan which we calculate that about 300 people came all willing to do violence.

They were getting out of their trucks 30 meters from where our compañeros were and the truck that went in front tried to run over them, even though we indicated to them that they not come through, they paid no attention to us.

When our aggressors were getting out it was noticeable that they were completely willing to cut us with machetes because per se they carried in hand, they brought rocks from their houses because they got out of their trucks.

Our compañeros resisted not answering any of the aggressive verbal questions that they asked and the mocking; with difficulty, we’ll tell you here the taunts that our compañeros received and how a good while passed not responding to the questions that they asked they told them that if they are vaginas and penises not to respond to the questions.

Then our support base compañeros tried to tell them to stop bothering them because the land is recovered since 1994 and that’s why they are there taking care of it; with only telling them that the aggressors from the CIOAC Democrática, took a pause of 5 minutes perhaps to remember what action they were taking and this time passing they began to throw elegant rocks.

They began their actions throwing rocks at us, while some did this to us, others looked for robust sticks to hit us with.

Immediately our compañeros began to fall with blunt blows to their eyes, head, nose, and legs. We have 3 seriously wounded compañeros who are: Sebastian 20 years-old wounded and serious, fractured cheek bone, left-side eye trauma, severe retinal hemorrhage, severe retinal inflammation, fractured skull floor, and fractured nasal base, and now in grave health with danger of losing his vision. Under observation of neurological signs.

Ismael 22 years-old, open nose fracture, lip edema, mild brain trauma, left shoulder bruise.

Jhony, 32 years-old, left-side moderate brain trauma wound, left eye trauma, eyelid edema.

In addition 3 compañeros with minor wounds are:

Mateo, 55 years-old, wound behind the head 5 centimeters long and 1 centimeter deep. Rodolfo 26 years-old, left-side head wound, 3 centimeters wide and 1 centimeter deep, Ernesto 37 years-old, left-side head wound, 3 centimeters long and one centimeter deep.

The leaders violators of our rights as humans are these vile people: Arnulfo González Jiménez, who carried a 22-calibre pistol, and Mr. Jaime Luna González, they shot said weapons, they began to beat us and their accomplices followed, Mr. Tranquilino González, bilingual teacher, José Lino Álvarez, and Humberto López natives of the 20 de Noviembre ejido.

The people who they took transporting were paid 100 pesos each one for their day’s work of violence that they did to us.

When we saw our compañeros fall we sought emergency help in the San Carlos hospital, in Altamirano, those who work there, went to the place where our wounded were, the CIOAC democrática aggressors did not let them through because they were blocking the Altamirano crossroads which goes from Comitán and to the San Miguel ejido.

While they were beating our compañeros, in that time Mr. Francisco Hernández Aguilar from El Nanze village arrived, before belonging to the OPDDIC and now he is the leader of the ORCAO who currently continues carrying high-power firearms 2 AKA-47s, 1 AR-15, 1 M 1, we have denounced that previously.

They also took the ambulance driver Filomeno Hernández García and the vehicle as prisoner to their ejido, they also took Doctor Edgar Ulises Torres Rodríguez and a sister passenger named Edith Garrido Lozada and arriving at the 20 de noviembre ejido, they began to beat their faces, ribs, and heads. Sister Edith Garrido Lozada was beat by men.

The ambulance was accompanied by another pickup truck a Chevrolet 6-cyllinder, it took driving another sister named Patricia Moysén Márquez and as copilot went sister Martha Range Martínez; they were also forced to get out of the truck by tojolobal women and for resisting not handing over the vehicle’s key they were beaten and they physically mistreated. They plundered the driver of her purse which carried her personal document.

Before this violence that the evil governments renew, are the good teachers who teach these local leaders to do away with our natural resources.

We know that Enrique Peña Nieto, is the shameless foreman who is selling all of our natural resources and our mother earth. Thus what today his students do to us is what he is teaching them with his projects of death.

Now the butler child of Chiapas, Manuel Velazco Cuello, when he won his butlership he said that he respected our autonomy and the juntas de buen gobierno and in the first days of January 2014, again lied to us saying that he respected the lands recovered from 1994.

The corporal of the official municipality las Margaritas Mr. Manuel Culebro Gordillo is nothing more than another liar and thief, accomplice of the leaders of the CIOAC democrática.

These three busboys to the great transnational businesses, the foreman Enrique Peña Nieto, the butler Manuel Velazco Cuello, and the corporal Manuel Culebro Gordillo have one debt more with us for the blood of our compañeros spilt and that has no price.

It is without a doubt that these characters are genuinely liars, corrupt, thieves who have no shame. A clear example of the butler child when in his campaign he diverted millions of pesos which is the people’s money and when he sat down that there was not so much money. This is how they all are, thieves protected by the law that they make.





Translated from Spanish by Henry Gales

Originally published on February 1st, 2014

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